Please read the following information carefully and inform the tattoo artist if you have any doubts about your suitability to be tattooed.
Tattooing and the healing process can come with risks and potential complications, as explained to you. You will be given aftercare instructions to help you minimize the effects.
It is normal for tattooing to be accompanied by pain, redness and swelling. If these symptoms worsen during the healing process, it could be a sign of an infection and you should see a doctor.
Some complications may be related to your health situation. It is important for your safety that the tattoo artist is informed. Additional precautions may be required.
Tattoos are permanent and depending on the ink used, they may not be removed properly.
In case of doubt, treatment should be postponed and medical advice should be sought.
Do not get a tattoo:
• if you are pregnant or breast-feeding;
• if you are under the influence of alcohol or drugs;
• on a mole or a scar left over from the removal of a melanoma.
The following conditions or conditions may carry a higher risk of complications:
1) Skin:
a) skin infection regardless of location and type of infection
b) allergies (indicate if you have an allergy, e.g. latex allergy, allergy to metals and preservatives)
c) areas of skin that appear damaged or abnormal, including moles
d) any skin diseases that are active (e.g. eczema, psoriasis)
e) areas of skin that have been subjected to plastic surgery or radiotherapy including recent scars and keloids (according to medical advice)
f) a previously tattooed spot that has not yet fully healed
g) an area where a tattoo has recently been lasered or removed by another method if the wound has not yet healed
2) General Conditions:
a) haemophilia or other coagulation disease
b) epilepsy, cardiovascular disease
c) known allergies (e.g. latex allergy)
d) diabetes
e) an autoimmune disease
f) Immunosuppression and Immune Compromised Conditions
g) sarcoidosis
If any of the above conditions or conditions apply to you and you still want a tattoo, please consult your doctor first and seek advice.
Is included as an external attachment with the aftercare instructions.